링크: http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/documentation/migration_faq.html

posted by 뚱2

링크: http://zeroturnaround.com/rebellabs/getting-started-with-intellij-idea-as-an-eclipse-user/

posted by 뚱2

Eclipse Indigo 3.7.1 + Tomcat 7.0.25 + 스프링 MVC + Maven 3.0.4 개발 환경 구축 - 1장 : http://springmvc.egloos.com/429363

Eclipse Indigo 3.7.1 + Tomcat 7.0.25 + 스프링 MVC + Maven 3.0.4 개발 환경 구축 - 2장 : http://springmvc.egloos.com/429570

Eclipse Indigo 3.7.1 + Tomcat 7.0.25 + 스프링 MVC + Maven 3.0.4 개발 환경 구축 - 3장 : http://springmvc.egloos.com/429779

이클립스에서 SpringMVC 테스트(JUnit) 환경 구축 : http://springmvc.egloos.com/438345


posted by 뚱2

링크 : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5618652/publishing-failed-with-multiple-errors-eclipse 



Eclipse produces this message when a file in an Eclipse project is changed outside of Eclipse. To avoid it:

  • a) Don't change files outside of Eclipse
  • b) Refresh the workspace/project after changing files outside of Eclipse F5 or
  • c) Enable Window > Preferences > General > Workspace > Refresh Automatically

Note: in STS 2.8.1, it is "Refresh on Access"

posted by 뚱2

참고 : http://okjsp.tistory.com/1165643034 

이클립스에 프로젝트가 하나일때는 파일 검색할때 해당 프로젝트만 검색되기때문에 쉽게 됩니다.

그런데 프로젝트가 하나둘씩 늘어날때마다 검색 결과가가 여러 프로젝트에서 고르게 검색 될때가 있습니다.

이럴때는 이클립스 워킹셋을 만들어서 검색 범위를 줄일수 있습니다.

위외 같이 해당 워킹셋으로 검색 범위를 좁힐수 있습니다.

posted by 뚱2

자바 프로그래머라고 하면 대부분 웹을 지칭하는 것 같습니다.

순수 자바 프로그래머 보기 쉽지 않네요.

저는 아직 한분도 뵙지 못했습니다.

이클립스에서 자바 프로젝트로 생성시 외부 jar 파일을 포함해야 하는 경우가 있습니다.

기존 서적 대부분은 콘솔 환경에서만 다루다 보면 막상 이클립스에서 할려면 막막하더군요.

그래서 정리해봤습니다.

1. TCPMON_TEST 프로젝트를 생성한다.

2. 프로젝트에 lib폴더를 생성한다 (꼭 lib 폴더 이름으로 생성할 필요없습니다.)

3. 외부 tcpmon-1.1.jar 파일을 넣는다.

4. 프로젝트 -> Properties -> Java Build Path -> Libraries -> Add JARs... -> [클릭]

5. 임포트한 tcpmon-1.1.jar 파일을 선택한다.

posted by 뚱2

링크 : http://mytory.net/archives/1015 

링크 : http://libmarco.tistory.com/47 

링크 : http://yysvip.tistory.com/182 

* 주의사항 : 서버에 올라간호 파일을 ignore하면 안된다. 우선 서버의 동기화에서 제외할 파일을 삭제한후 적용시키면 된다.

posted by 뚱2

[Eclipse] Link With Editor

IDE/Tool/Eclipse 2013. 4. 3. 12:25

해당 파일을 선택하면 Navigator의 트리 위치가 알아서 펼쳐지는 유용한 기능

posted by 뚱2

Window -> Preferences -> General -> Content Types -> Text -> JSP -> Default-Encoding -> [변경]

posted by 뚱2

링크 : http://wiki.eclipse.org/Eclipse.ini 

참고 : http://wiki.kwonnam.pe.kr/eclipse/config 


Eclipse startup is controlled by the options in $ECLIPSE_HOME/eclipse.ini. If $ECLIPSE_HOME is not defined, the default eclipse.ini in your Eclipse installation directory (or in the case of Mac, the Eclipse.app/Contents/MacOS directory) is used.

eclipse.ini is a text file containing command-line options that are added to the command line used when Eclipse is started up. There are many options available, please see here.


  1. Each option and each argument to an option must be on its own line.
  2. All lines after -vmargs are passed as arguments to the JVM, so all arguments and options for eclipse must be specified before -vmargs (just like when you use arguments on the command-line)
  3. Any use of -vmargs on the command-line replaces all -vmargs settings in the .ini file unless --launcher.appendVmargs is specified either in the .ini file or on the command-line. (doc)

By default, eclipse.ini looks something like this (the exact contents will vary based on operating system and which Eclipse package you have):


Among other things, this sets the heap space to 40MB initially and a maximum of 512MB, and also specifies a maximum PermGen size of 256MB. A max heap of 512MB might be OK for some users, but it's often necessary to bump that value up for large project sets or when some third-party plugins are installed.

Specifying the JVM

One of the most recommended options to use is to specify a specific JVM for Eclipse to run on. Doing this ensures that you are absolutely certain which JVM Eclipse will run in and insulates you from system changes that can alter the "default" JVM for your system. Many a user has been tripped up because they thought they knew what JVM would be used by default, but they thought wrong. eclipse.ini lets you be CERTAIN.

The following examples of eclipse.ini demonstrate correct usage of the -vm option.

Note the format of the -vm option - it is important to be exact:

  • The -vm option and its value (the path) must be on separate lines.
  • The value must be the full absolute or relative path to the Java executable, not just to the Java home directory.
  • The -vm option must occur before the -vmargs option, since everything after -vmargs is passed directly to the JVM.

Here is an example of what eclipse.ini might look like on a Windows system after you've added the -vm argument and increased the maximum heap space:


Remember that the exact values will differ slightly depending on operating system and Eclipse package.

-vm value: Windows Example

This is how the -vm argument might look on Windows (your exact path to javaw.exe could be different, of course):


This might not work on all systems. If you encounter "Java was started but returned exit code=1" error while starting the eclipse, modify the -vm argument to point to jvm.dll (exact path could be different):


-vm value: Linux Example

This is how the -vm argument might look on Linux (your exact path to javacould be different, of course):


-vm value: Mac OS X Example

On a Mac OS X system, you can find eclipse.ini by right-clicking (or Ctrl+click) on the Eclipse executable in Finder, choose Show Package Contents, and then locate eclipse.ini in the MacOS folder under Contents.

To specify Java 6 for OS X:


For versions of Mac OS X 10.7+ the location has changed to


To be safer, determine the location for the JDK you intend to use via the utility /usr/libexec/java_home and put this value with .../bin/java appended into the Eclipse.ini file.

posted by 뚱2

링크 : http://wiki.jetbrains.net/intellij/Eclipse_FAQ 

What happened to my Workspace? Where are all my projects?

They're OK, but in a slightly different way.

IntelliJ IDEA creates a project for the entire code base you work with, and a module for each of its individual components. So, IntelliJ IDEA module is more like an Eclipse project, and project is roughly similar to Eclipse workspace. There's no exact equivalent to Eclipse's workspace that contains all your work, but you can open multiple projects in multiple frames at the same time.

This table can help you see how Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA concepts map to each other:

EclipseIntelliJ IDEA
A number of projects, a workspaceProject
User libraryGlobal library
Classpath variablePath variable
Project dependencyModule dependency
LibraryModule library

How do I open my Eclipse projects now?

That's very easy. You have an option to either import, or link them.

IntelliJ IDEA supports Eclipse classpath module dependencies, so you can link your Eclipse projects to IntelliJ IDEA and work even in a mixed IDE team. Alternatively, you can import an Eclipse project to IntelliJ IDEA native format if you don't need any backward compatibility. If you're using Maven, you can directly open a pom.xml file and IntelliJ IDEA will import all dependencies, download the libraries if needed, and do all the setup completely.

Facets — what they are for?

To streamline the project configuration.

Facets encapsulate support for a variety of frameworks, technologies and languages. For example, to enable Spring in your project, you only have to add the corresponding facet. All libraries are downloaded and configured, you get the full range of coding assistance, refactorings, etc. Moreover, the code model is also recognized, so you are completely free from worrying about any configuration issues.

In most cases, you can add more than one facet of the same type to your project. For example, you can have multiple Web facets for deploying the application to different servers, or several EJB facets, each for its own EJB version. (See also Project Configuration and Configuring Project Structure.)

Where do I configure project JDK?

In the Project Structure dialog.

To add a JDK to project, press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S, under Platform Settings click JDKs and specify JDK path. After that, click Project and specify which of the JDKs you have configured will be used now as the current project JDK. Remember that JDKs are configured at the IDE level, so when you create another project, you won't need to add the same JDK again.

Refer to Configuring Project SDKfor details.

How do I add files to my project?

Just copy them to the project folder. IntelliJ IDEA tracks all changes to project files and automatically takes an appropriate action.

How do I share my preferences?

Via project-level settings.

IntelliJ IDEA enables you share your code style settings, run configurations, inspection profiles, and more, by making them project-level, so that they are stored in the project description file and so are available to all team members.

You can also use settings synchronization via IntelliJ IDEA Server and take favorite settings with you to any computer where you're running IntelliJ IDEA. (See also IDE Settings Synchronization.)

How do I configure code templates ?

In IntelliJ IDEA you have Live Templates — predefined code fragments invoked by typing an associated abbreviation. They may include parameters that are used to automatically adjust them to the insertion context. Click here for more information about how to use the templates in code. To manage Live Templates, press Ctrl+Alt+S to open the Settings dialog, and under the IDE Settings, click Live Templates. (See also Code Generation.)

How do I make sure all my files are saved?

Don't worry. They are all saved automatically.

With IntelliJ IDEA you never need to worry about saving your files when you switch to another app, compile or run your code, perform a VCS operation, and so on. Refer to the section Saving and Reverting Changes for details.

For extra safety you can enable auto save after specified period of time. In case you need to roll back any unwanted changes, you can use Local History — IntelliJ IDEA built-in VCS.

What happened to incremental compilation? How do I compile my project?

It's there, but works slightly other way.

By default IntelliJ IDEA compiles files only when it's needed (when you run your app or explicily invoke the Make action), and so saves system resources for other tasks that can be more important at the moment. The compilation is incremental: IntelliJ IDEA keeps track of dependencies between source files and recompiles only if a file has been changed.

Files with compilation errors are highlighted, and so are the folders containing them — so you can easily analyze them via Project view. To see a list of all files with compilation errors, select Scope | Problemsfrom the View As combobox of the Project view. After each compilation, IntelliJ IDEA constantly performs background code analysis on files with errors, and removes the red highlighting automatically when you've fixed them.

To enable compiling files on every save, you can use the EclipseMode plugin: http://plugins.intellij.net/plugin/?id=3822 (third-party development, not bundled). To be able to run code with errors, you can select the Eclipse compiler in Settings dialog, Compiler, Java Compiler and add the -proceedOnError option to the Additional command line parameters for the compiler.

Which options are available for configuring code inspections?

With IntelliJ IDEA, you can define a set of active code inspections — a profile. IDE level profiles are available in all projects on current machine, project level profiles can be used by all team members. Here you can find some more information about inspecting the source code.

To configure inspection profiles either open the Settings dialog, or click the Hector icon in the toolbar. You can also configure inspections individually — every time a bulb pops up, telling you about a problem, press Alt+Enter, Right Arrow to open menu where you can configure or suppress this inspection for the current file or even entire project.

Where are my old favorite keyboard shortcuts?

IntelliJ IDEA includes a bundled Eclipse keymap, so you can select it in the Keymap page of the Settings dialog, if you prefer using shortcuts you're accustomed to. If you want to learn the IntelliJ IDEA keyboard shortcuts, you can read or print out the Default Keymap Reference from Help menu.

Refer to the Configuring Keyboard Shortcuts section for additional information.

I feel that the editor behaves differently. Am I right?

In Eclipse, virtual space (the possibility to place the caret after the end of a line) is disabled by default, which is contrary to IntelliJ IDEA default setting. To alter it, go to the Editor page of the Settings dialog, and clear the Allow placement of caret after end of line option.

By default, Eclipse highlights the usages of the identifier at caret. To enable this behavior in IntelliJ IDEA, select the option Highlight usages of element at caret on in the same place as above.

Also note that there's a maximum number of editor tabs (adjustable via Settings dialog), so if you are opening a new file when a maximum number of editors is already reached, the oldest one will be automatically closed.

Why are there three ways to invoke Code Completion?

In IntelliJ IDEA you have three types of completion, that work differently so that you can always pick what's best for the code you're working with.

For example, when you just need to quickly complete an obvious statement, you can press Ctrl+Space and it's done. It's called Basic Completion. It also comes in handy when you want to look at the complete list of available choices in the current context, or need to complete a keyword.

If you need more precision and don't want to scroll through an endless list of selections, use Ctrl+Shift+Space to narrow the selection down by the expression type. Smart Completion that is invoked this way, will filter the list for you, letting you get what you need quicker. Moreover, if you press it once again it will even show you the symbols that can be reached through a chained method call.

Finally, the Class Names Completion (Ctrl+Alt+Space) lets you quickly complete a class name, and insert an import statement if it's not referenced yet.

(See also Intelligent Coding Assistance.)

How do I configure VCS integrations? How do I add my project to VCS?

In IntelliJ IDEA you first configure a VCS by selecting its type and specifying the connection settings like server name and access credentials, and then map project folders to VCS you have configured.

To put a project under version control, simply map its root folder to the VCS you are using.

Refer to the section Enabling Version Control for details.

How do I work with VCS? Where to inspect the diffs?

In Eclipse you have Sync perspective that shows the difference between your local version of the code and that of VCS server. In IntelliJ IDEA this functionality is a small part of the Changes tool window, where the Local tab shows the changes you've done locally, the Incoming tab shows the changes that were checked in to the VCS server by other team members and not yet synced, and so on.

To learn how to work with differences in IntelliJ IDEA, refer to the section Handling Differences.

How do I check out a project from VCS?

It's the easiest way of creating a project from sources that you're checking out from VCS. Just click Check out from Version Control.

posted by 뚱2

출처 : http://tanu.wordpress.com/2010/09/24/moving-from-eclipse-to-intellij-idea/

Moving from Eclipse to Intellij Idea

Initial Struggle:

I have been Eclipse user for almost 2+ years. Suddenly one day i stumbled upon intellij idea. Courtesy of my team mates.

Initially moving from Eclipse to Idea was overwhelming. Neither i had patience nor time to learn new IDE with its own set of shortcuts.
Still after lotta of good reviews about it, decided to give it a try. Well at first i failed at it. The reason i was still using eclipse as primary IDE, since Idea shortcuts were completely different than eclipse and they were quite strange that time.

Somehow decided to give it one more shot, and this time it did click with me. I struggled initally but survived. Believe me its worth the struggle. It surely is a most intelligent IDE, especially if you are working with Javascript. Eclipse has worst Javascript support and its pain. I know there are plugins for it, but they are useless.

Idea Ninja:

No one can use IDE efficiently without mastering the shortcuts. Idea has excellent reference for shortcuts. I suggest you look into the complete idea keymap from here

If you are eclipse user, here is the small idea keymap with corresponding eclipse shortcuts.

Code CompletionCtrl + SpaceCtrl + Space 

Ctrl + Shift + Space

Ctrl + Alt + Space

Reformat codeCtrl+Shift+FCtrl + Alt + L
Optimize importsCtrl + Shift+ OCtrl + Alt + O
Delete line at caretCtrl+DCtrl + Y
ReplaceCtrl + FCtrl + R
Find in pathCtrl+HCtrl + Shift + F
Replace in pathCtrl + Shift + R
Step overF6F8
Step intoF5F7
Step outF7Shift + F8
Resume programF8F9
View breakpointsDebug ViewCtrl + Shift + F8
Go to classCtrl + Shift + TCtrl + N
Go to fileCtrl + Shift + RCtrl + Shift + N
Go to lineCtrl+LCtrl + G
Recent files popupCtrl + ECtrl + E
Go to declarationCtrl + Click or F3Ctrl + B or Ctrl + Click
Go to implementation(s)Ctrl+TCtrl + Alt + B
Type hierarchyF4Ctrl + H
Show usagesCtrl + Shift+GCtrl + Alt + F7
Generate code… (Getters, Setters, Constructors, 

hashCode/equals, toString)

Alt + InsertAlt + Shift+S


1. Learn to use Ctrl+J
Ctrl+J brings up the Live Template options based on where your cursor is. If you’re in Javadoc then there will be some Javadoc intentions, if you have code highlighted then there will be some surround intentions.

2. Learn to use Ctrl+Alt+T
Highlighting code and pressing Ctrl+Alt+T will bring up the “Surround With” menu.

3. Increase Your Heap Size
IDEA critics (rightly, in my experience) complain that it is slower than Eclipse. Well, your first step should be to increase the heap size. Locate your idea.exe.vmoptions file and open it with a text editer (IDEA works fine). My file is in C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA 7.0.2\bin. Change the -Xmx line to allow a bigger heap. Mine is set at -Xmx512m.

posted by 뚱2

[Eclipse] Plug-In 개발

IDE/Tool/Eclipse 2012. 10. 25. 12:38
posted by 뚱2

링크 : http://blog.naver.com/puteri?Redirect=Log&logNo=100135783511

링크 : http://blog.naver.com/xmlhow?Redirect=Log&logNo=10087851957



posted by 뚱2

참고 : http://likekururu.egloos.com/230929


posted by 뚱2

링크 : http://ganeshtiwaridotcomdotnp.blogspot.kr/2011/09/some-useful-regular-expressions-for.html 

posted by 뚱2

대분자로 변환 : CTRL + SHIFT + X

소문자로 변환 : CTRL + SHIFT + Y

posted by 뚱2

링크 : http://taranakite.blog.me/100155110924 

posted by 뚱2

저는 편하게 기본 설정값에 0하나 더 붙였습니다.

'IDE/Tool > Eclipse' 카테고리의 다른 글

[Eclipse] 대소문자 변환  (0) 2012.07.10
[Eclipse] Tasks의 TODO, FIXME 설정  (0) 2012.07.06
[Eclipse] serialVersionUID 자동 생성하기  (0) 2012.07.04
[Eclipse] SVN Console 표시  (0) 2012.06.29
[Eclipse] .svn 폴더 삭제  (0) 2012.06.27
posted by 뚱2

링크 : http://blog.daum.net/yellowjini/5216095  


'IDE/Tool > Eclipse' 카테고리의 다른 글

[Eclipse] Tasks의 TODO, FIXME 설정  (0) 2012.07.06
[Eclipse] console buffer size 조절하기  (0) 2012.07.04
[Eclipse] SVN Console 표시  (0) 2012.06.29
[Eclipse] .svn 폴더 삭제  (0) 2012.06.27
[Eclipse] Java Decompiler JDEclipse  (0) 2012.06.23
posted by 뚱2

SVN을 변경했을때 변경 내역을 Console에 보여주는데 Console창을 자동으로 Active하게 보여주는 옵션

posted by 뚱2

출처 : http://blog.angeleyes.kr/298 






posted by 뚱2

링크 : http://java.decompiler.free.fr/?q=jdeclipse 

수동설치 : http://feeeel.tistory.com/33 









'IDE/Tool > Eclipse' 카테고리의 다른 글

[Eclipse] SVN Console 표시  (0) 2012.06.29
[Eclipse] .svn 폴더 삭제  (0) 2012.06.27
[Eclipse] Team Synchronizing 화면전환 Disable  (0) 2012.06.22
[Eclipse] Subversion 계정 변경  (0) 2012.06.22
[Eclipse] JavaScript Errors/Warnings  (0) 2012.06.21
posted by 뚱2

Eclipse Helios까지는 SVN 동기화를 하면은 화면전환이 되지 않았었다.

사실 남이 셋팅해준걸 사용한거라 원래 그런건지 설정을 한건지 알수 없었다.

이번에 Indigo로 업글하고 SVN 동기화면 하면 화면 전환이 ㅡㅡ;

그래서 할 수 없이 설정을 뒤짐....


'IDE/Tool > Eclipse' 카테고리의 다른 글

[Eclipse] .svn 폴더 삭제  (0) 2012.06.27
[Eclipse] Java Decompiler JDEclipse  (0) 2012.06.23
[Eclipse] Subversion 계정 변경  (0) 2012.06.22
[Eclipse] JavaScript Errors/Warnings  (0) 2012.06.21
[Eclipse] Code Templete  (0) 2012.06.21
posted by 뚱2

원본 : http://bllizz.tistory.com/11 

* XP

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Subversion\auth\svn.simple

* Vista


* Window 7


안에 사용자 정보가 저장되어 있는 파일을 삭제 후

Eclipse 실행 한 다음에 SVN Repository를 열어서 SVN 서버에 접속하려 하면

다시 계정을 물어보는 화면이 나온다.

'IDE/Tool > Eclipse' 카테고리의 다른 글

[Eclipse] Java Decompiler JDEclipse  (0) 2012.06.23
[Eclipse] Team Synchronizing 화면전환 Disable  (0) 2012.06.22
[Eclipse] JavaScript Errors/Warnings  (0) 2012.06.21
[Eclipse] Code Templete  (0) 2012.06.21
[Eclipse] Generic types Disable  (0) 2012.06.21
posted by 뚱2

posted by 뚱2

[Eclipse] Code Templete

IDE/Tool/Eclipse 2012. 6. 21. 10:24

'IDE/Tool > Eclipse' 카테고리의 다른 글

[Eclipse] Subversion 계정 변경  (0) 2012.06.22
[Eclipse] JavaScript Errors/Warnings  (0) 2012.06.21
[Eclipse] Generic types Disable  (0) 2012.06.21
[Eclipse] eclipse change default perspective  (0) 2012.06.20
[Eclipse] SVN(Subversion 설치)  (0) 2012.06.19
posted by 뚱2

'IDE/Tool > Eclipse' 카테고리의 다른 글

[Eclipse] JavaScript Errors/Warnings  (0) 2012.06.21
[Eclipse] Code Templete  (0) 2012.06.21
[Eclipse] eclipse change default perspective  (0) 2012.06.20
[Eclipse] SVN(Subversion 설치)  (0) 2012.06.19
[Eclipse] Automatically Close 해제  (0) 2012.06.15
posted by 뚱2

Jave EE IDE를 사용하본 기본 퍼스펙티브가 JavaEE다.

평소 무거워서 기본 Java를 사용하는데 이게 기본이 아닌게 은근히 신경쓰인다.


posted by 뚱2

링크(Market) : http://taranakite.blog.me/100152885165 

링크(Install Software) : http://479lgs.blog.me/150048395205 

저는 둘중에 밑에 방법으로 설치했습니다.

posted by 뚱2