[Java] Java HotSpot VM Options

Java/Java 2015. 10. 10. 14:45

링크: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/articles/java/vmoptions-jsp-140102.html

posted by 뚱2

힙사이즈 조절

$cp /Applications/IntelliJ IDEA 13.app/bin/idea.vmoptions ~/Library/Preferences/IntelliJIDEA13/idea.vmoptions

$vi ~/Library/Preferences/IntelliJIdea13/idea.vmoptions






posted by 뚱2

[jqGrid] Homepage and Manual

JavaScript/jqGrid 2013. 11. 12. 11:26

[XtraGrid] XtraGrid Option

.Net/XtraGrid 2013. 1. 24. 09:32

링크 : http://blog.naver.com/hiphoptrain?Redirect=Log&logNo=130087380966 

'.Net > XtraGrid' 카테고리의 다른 글

[XtraGrid] Online Document  (0) 2012.04.13
[XtraGrid] Copy & Paste 구현  (0) 2012.04.11
[XtraGrid] How to make my grid columns read-only  (0) 2012.04.08
[XtraGrid] Checkbox 구현하기  (1) 2012.04.06
[XtraGrid] Fixed Columns  (0) 2012.04.05
posted by 뚱2

선언할때 줄 잘 맞춰서 코딩해 놨는데 공백이 사라지는 억울함이....


도구 -> 옵션 -> 텍스트 편집기 -> C# -> 서식 -> 간격 -> 기타 간격 옵션을 설정합니다. -> 선언문의 공백을 무시합니다.

' 체크 '



'.Net > C#' 카테고리의 다른 글

[C#] 정적 생성자 (static 멤버 초기화)  (0) 2013.01.15
[C#] Assemble.load  (0) 2013.01.15
[C#] C# as 연산자  (0) 2013.01.09
[C#] StackTrace  (0) 2013.01.08
[C#] DllImportAttribut  멤버  (0) 2013.01.04
posted by 뚱2

'IDE/Tool > Eclipse' 카테고리의 다른 글

[Eclipse] JavaScript Errors/Warnings  (0) 2012.06.21
[Eclipse] Code Templete  (0) 2012.06.21
[Eclipse] eclipse change default perspective  (0) 2012.06.20
[Eclipse] SVN(Subversion 설치)  (0) 2012.06.19
[Eclipse] Automatically Close 해제  (0) 2012.06.15
posted by 뚱2
children: [
    title: null, // (required) Displayed name of the node (html is allowed here)
    key: null, // May be used with activate(), select(), find(), ...
    isFolder: false, // Use a folder icon. Also the node is expandable but not selectable.
    isLazy: false, // Call onLazyRead(), when the node is expanded for the first time to allow for delayed creation of children.
    tooltip: null, // Show this popup text.
    href: null, // Added to the generated < a > tag.
    icon: null, // Use a custom image (filename relative to tree.options.imagePath). 'null' for default icon, 'false' for no icon.
    addClass: null, // Class name added to the node's span tag.
    noLink: false, // Use < span > instead of < a > tag for this node
    activate: false, // Initial active status.
    focus: false, // Initial focused status.
    expand: false, // Initial expanded status.
    select: false, // Initial selected status.
    hideCheckbox: false, // Suppress checkbox display for this node.
    unselectable: false, // Prevent selection.
    // The following attributes are only valid if passed to some functions:
    children: null // Array of child nodes.
    // NOTE: we can also add custom attributes here.
    // This may then also be used in the onActivate(), onSelect() or onLazyTree() callbacks.

'JavaScript > dynaTree' 카테고리의 다른 글

[dynatree] TREE TO TREE DRAG AND DROP 예제  (0) 2012.02.21
[dynatree] Option 옵션  (0) 2012.02.09
[dynatree] dynatree (jQuery 기반의 tree-plugin)  (0) 2012.02.08
posted by 뚱2