검색결과 리스트
checkbox에 해당되는 글 1건
- 2012.04.06 [XtraGrid] Checkbox 구현하기 1
사이트에 있는 예제를 약간 수정했다.
엑셀과 비슷하게 Shift + 클릭으로 범위를 클릭할수 있게 변경했다.
public class GridCheckMarksMultiSelectionHelper { private readonly string markFieldName = "CheckMarkSelection"; protected GridView _view; protected ArrayList selection; protected GridColumn column; protected RepositoryItemCheckEdit edit; protected const int CheckboxIndent = 4; ////// 생성자 /// public GridCheckMarksMultiSelectionHelper() { selection = new ArrayList(); } public GridCheckMarksMultiSelectionHelper(GridView view) : this() { this.View = view; } public GridView View { get { return _view; } set { if (_view != value) { Detach(); Attach(value); } } } public string MarkFieldName { get { return this.markFieldName; } } private bool isMultiSelect = false; public bool IsMultiSelect { get { return this.isMultiSelect; } private set { this.isMultiSelect = value; } } public GridColumn CheckMarkColumn { get { return column; } } public int SelectedCount { get { return selection.Count; } } public object GetSelectedRow(int index) { return selection[index]; } public int GetSelectedIndex(object row) { foreach (object record in selection) if ((record as DataRowView).Row == (row as DataRowView).Row) return selection.IndexOf(record); return selection.IndexOf(row); } public void ClearSelection(GridView view) { selection.Clear(); Invalidate(view); } public void SelectAll(GridView view) { selection.Clear(); // fast (won't work if the grid is filtered) //if(_view.DataSource is ICollection) // selection.AddRange(((ICollection)_view.DataSource)); //else // slow: for (int i = 0; i < view.DataRowCount; i++) selection.Add(view.GetRow(i)); Invalidate(view); } public void SelectGroup(int rowHandle, bool select, GridView view) { if (IsGroupRowSelected(rowHandle, view) && select) return; for (int i = 0; i < view.GetChildRowCount(rowHandle); i++) { int childRowHandle = view.GetChildRowHandle(rowHandle, i); if (view.IsGroupRow(childRowHandle)) SelectGroup(childRowHandle, select, view); else SelectRow(childRowHandle, select, false, view); } Invalidate(view); } void SelectRow(int rowHandle, bool select, bool invalidate, GridView view) { if (IsRowSelected(rowHandle, view) == select) return; object row = view.GetRow(rowHandle); if (select) selection.Add(row); else selection.Remove(row); if (invalidate) { Invalidate(view); } } void SelectRow(object row, bool select, bool invalidate, GridView view) { if (IsRowSelected(row, view) == select) return; if (select) selection.Add(row); else selection.Remove(row); if (invalidate) { Invalidate(view); } } public void SelectRow(int rowHandle, bool select, GridView view) { SelectRow(rowHandle, select, true, view); } public void SelectRow(object row, bool select, GridView view) { SelectRow(row, select, true, view); } public void InvertRowSelection(int rowHandle, GridView view) { if (view.IsDataRow(rowHandle)) { SelectRow(rowHandle, !IsRowSelected(rowHandle, view), view); } if (view.IsGroupRow(rowHandle)) { SelectGroup(rowHandle, !IsGroupRowSelected(rowHandle, view), view); } } public bool IsGroupRowSelected(int rowHandle, GridView view) { for (int i = 0; i < view.GetChildRowCount(rowHandle); i++) { int row = _view.GetChildRowHandle(rowHandle, i); if (view.IsGroupRow(row)) { if (!IsGroupRowSelected(row, view)) return false; } else if (!IsRowSelected(row, view)) return false; } return true; } public bool IsRowSelected(int rowHandle, GridView view) { if (view.IsGroupRow(rowHandle)) return IsGroupRowSelected(rowHandle, view); object row = view.GetRow(rowHandle); return GetSelectedIndex(row) != -1; } public bool IsRowSelected(object row, GridView view) { return GetSelectedIndex(row) != -1; } protected virtual void Attach(GridView view) { if (view == null) return; selection.Clear(); this._view = view; edit = view.GridControl.RepositoryItems.Add("CheckEdit") as RepositoryItemCheckEdit; column = view.Columns.Add(); column.OptionsColumn.AllowSort = DevExpress.Utils.DefaultBoolean.False; column.Visible = true; column.VisibleIndex = 0; column.FieldName = this.MarkFieldName; column.Caption = "Mark"; column.OptionsColumn.ShowCaption = false; column.OptionsColumn.AllowEdit = false; column.OptionsColumn.AllowSize = false; column.UnboundType = DevExpress.Data.UnboundColumnType.Boolean; column.Width = GetCheckBoxWidth(); // 2012-04-05 ADDED BY KDJ column.Fixed = FixedStyle.Left; column.ColumnEdit = edit; view.Click += new EventHandler(View_Click); view.CustomDrawColumnHeader += new ColumnHeaderCustomDrawEventHandler(View_CustomDrawColumnHeader); view.CustomDrawGroupRow += new RowObjectCustomDrawEventHandler(View_CustomDrawGroupRow); view.CustomUnboundColumnData += new CustomColumnDataEventHandler(view_CustomUnboundColumnData); view.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(view_KeyDown); view.RowStyle += new RowStyleEventHandler(view_RowStyle); // 2012-04-05 ADDED BY KDJ view.KeyUp += new KeyEventHandler(view_KeyUp); view.FocusedRowChanged += new FocusedRowChangedEventHandler(view_FocusedRowChanged); } void view_FocusedRowChanged(object sender, FocusedRowChangedEventArgs e) { this._view.BeginUpdate(); // 클릭시 현재 Row 선택되게 하는 루틴 //bool isSelection = this.IsRowSelected(row, view); //this.SelectRow(row, !isSelection, false, view); if (this.IsMultiSelect == true) { int start = 0, end = 0; if (e.PrevFocusedRowHandle <= e.FocusedRowHandle) { start = e.PrevFocusedRowHandle; end = e.FocusedRowHandle; } else { start = e.FocusedRowHandle; end = e.PrevFocusedRowHandle; } for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) { this.SelectRow(i, true, false, this._view); } } this._view.EndUpdate(); } public virtual void DetailViewAttach(GridView view) { if (view == null) return; this._view = view; _view.BeginUpdate(); try { column = view.Columns[this.MarkFieldName]; if (column == null) { selection.Clear(); edit = view.GridControl.RepositoryItems.Add("CheckEdit") as RepositoryItemCheckEdit; column = view.Columns.Add(); column.OptionsColumn.AllowSort = DevExpress.Utils.DefaultBoolean.False; column.Visible = true; column.VisibleIndex = 0; column.FieldName = this.MarkFieldName; column.Caption = "Mark"; column.OptionsColumn.ShowCaption = false; column.OptionsColumn.AllowEdit = false; column.OptionsColumn.AllowSize = false; column.UnboundType = DevExpress.Data.UnboundColumnType.Boolean; column.Width = GetCheckBoxWidth(); column.ColumnEdit = edit; } edit = view.Columns[this.MarkFieldName].ColumnEdit as RepositoryItemCheckEdit;//view.GridControl.RepositoryItems.Add("CheckEdit") as RepositoryItemCheckEdit; view.Click += new EventHandler(View_Click); view.CustomDrawColumnHeader += new ColumnHeaderCustomDrawEventHandler(View_CustomDrawColumnHeader); view.CustomDrawGroupRow += new RowObjectCustomDrawEventHandler(View_CustomDrawGroupRow); view.CustomUnboundColumnData += new CustomColumnDataEventHandler(view_CustomUnboundColumnData); view.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(view_KeyDown); view.RowStyle += new RowStyleEventHandler(view_RowStyle); // 2012-04-05 ADDED BY KDJ view.KeyUp += new KeyEventHandler(view_KeyUp); view.FocusedRowChanged += new FocusedRowChangedEventHandler(view_FocusedRowChanged); } finally { _view.EndUpdate(); } } protected virtual void Detach() { if (_view == null) return; if (column != null) column.Dispose(); if (edit != null) { _view.GridControl.RepositoryItems.Remove(edit); edit.Dispose(); } _view.Click -= new EventHandler(View_Click); _view.CustomDrawColumnHeader -= new ColumnHeaderCustomDrawEventHandler(View_CustomDrawColumnHeader); _view.CustomDrawGroupRow -= new RowObjectCustomDrawEventHandler(View_CustomDrawGroupRow); _view.CustomUnboundColumnData -= new CustomColumnDataEventHandler(view_CustomUnboundColumnData); _view.KeyDown -= new KeyEventHandler(view_KeyDown); _view.RowStyle -= new RowStyleEventHandler(view_RowStyle); // 2012-04-05 ADDED BY KDJ _view.KeyUp -= new KeyEventHandler(view_KeyUp); _view.FocusedRowChanged -= new FocusedRowChangedEventHandler(view_FocusedRowChanged); _view = null; } public virtual void DetailViewDetach() { if (_view == null) return; _view.Click -= new EventHandler(View_Click); _view.CustomDrawColumnHeader -= new ColumnHeaderCustomDrawEventHandler(View_CustomDrawColumnHeader); _view.CustomDrawGroupRow -= new RowObjectCustomDrawEventHandler(View_CustomDrawGroupRow); _view.CustomUnboundColumnData -= new CustomColumnDataEventHandler(view_CustomUnboundColumnData); _view.KeyDown -= new KeyEventHandler(view_KeyDown); _view.RowStyle -= new RowStyleEventHandler(view_RowStyle); // 2012-04-05 ADDED BY KDJ _view.KeyUp -= new KeyEventHandler(view_KeyUp); _view.FocusedRowChanged -= new FocusedRowChangedEventHandler(view_FocusedRowChanged); _view = null; } protected int GetCheckBoxWidth() { DevExpress.XtraEditors.ViewInfo.CheckEditViewInfo info = edit.CreateViewInfo() as DevExpress.XtraEditors.ViewInfo.CheckEditViewInfo; int width = 0; GraphicsInfo.Default.AddGraphics(null); try { width = info.CalcBestFit(GraphicsInfo.Default.Graphics).Width; } finally { GraphicsInfo.Default.ReleaseGraphics(); } return width + CheckboxIndent * 2; } protected void DrawCheckBox(Graphics g, Rectangle r, bool Checked) { DevExpress.XtraEditors.ViewInfo.CheckEditViewInfo info; DevExpress.XtraEditors.Drawing.CheckEditPainter painter; DevExpress.XtraEditors.Drawing.ControlGraphicsInfoArgs args; info = edit.CreateViewInfo() as DevExpress.XtraEditors.ViewInfo.CheckEditViewInfo; painter = edit.CreatePainter() as DevExpress.XtraEditors.Drawing.CheckEditPainter; info.EditValue = Checked; info.Bounds = r; info.CalcViewInfo(g); args = new DevExpress.XtraEditors.Drawing.ControlGraphicsInfoArgs(info, new DevExpress.Utils.Drawing.GraphicsCache(g), r); painter.Draw(args); args.Cache.Dispose(); } void Invalidate(GridView view) { view.CloseEditor(); view.BeginUpdate(); view.EndUpdate(); } void view_CustomUnboundColumnData(object sender, CustomColumnDataEventArgs e) { GridView view = sender as GridView; if (e.Column.Caption == "Mark") { if (e.IsGetData) e.Value = /*IsRowSelected((view.DataSource as IList)[e.ListSourceRowIndex],view);*/ IsRowSelected(view.GetRowHandle(e.ListSourceRowIndex), view); else SelectRow((view.DataSource as IList)[e.ListSourceRowIndex], (bool)e.Value, view); } } void view_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { GridView view = sender as GridView; if (e.KeyCode == Keys.ShiftKey && this.isMultiSelect == false) { this.IsMultiSelect = true; } if (view.FocusedColumn.Caption != "Mark" || e.KeyCode != Keys.Space) return; InvertRowSelection(view.FocusedRowHandle, view); } void view_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.ShiftKey & this.isMultiSelect == true) { this.isMultiSelect = false; } } void View_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { GridView view = sender as GridView; GridHitInfo info; Point pt = view.GridControl.PointToClient(Control.MousePosition); Point viewOffset = view.GetViewInfo().Bounds.Location; //pt.Offset(-viewOffset.X, -viewOffset.Y); info = view.CalcHitInfo(pt); if (info.Column != null && info.Column.Caption == "Mark") { if (info.InColumn) { if (SelectedCount == view.DataRowCount) ClearSelection(view); else SelectAll(view); } if (info.InRowCell) { InvertRowSelection(info.RowHandle, view); } } if (info.InRow && view.IsGroupRow(info.RowHandle) && info.HitTest != GridHitTest.RowGroupButton) { InvertRowSelection(info.RowHandle, view); } } void View_CustomDrawColumnHeader(object sender, ColumnHeaderCustomDrawEventArgs e) { if (e.Column != null && e.Column.Caption == "Mark") { GridView view = sender as GridView; e.Info.InnerElements.Clear(); e.Painter.DrawObject(e.Info); DrawCheckBox(e.Graphics, e.Bounds, SelectedCount == view.DataRowCount); e.Handled = true; } } void View_CustomDrawGroupRow(object sender, RowObjectCustomDrawEventArgs e) { GridView view = sender as GridView; DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.ViewInfo.GridGroupRowInfo info; info = e.Info as DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.ViewInfo.GridGroupRowInfo; info.GroupText = " " + info.GroupText.TrimStart(); e.Info.Paint.FillRectangle(e.Graphics, e.Appearance.GetBackBrush(e.Cache), e.Bounds); e.Painter.DrawObject(e.Info); Rectangle r = info.ButtonBounds; r.Offset(r.Width + CheckboxIndent * 2 - 1, 0); DrawCheckBox(e.Graphics, r, IsGroupRowSelected(e.RowHandle, view)); e.Handled = true; } void view_RowStyle(object sender, RowStyleEventArgs e) { GridView view = sender as GridView; if (IsRowSelected(e.RowHandle, view)) { e.Appearance.BackColor = SystemColors.Highlight; e.Appearance.ForeColor = SystemColors.HighlightText; } } }
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