링크 : http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/webhelp/adding-deleting-and-moving-lines.html 

라인 복사 : Command + D

라인 삭제 : Command + Y

라인 위로 이동 : Alt + Shift + Up

라인 아래로 이동 : Alt + Shift + Down

To add a line
  • Press Shift Enter to add a new line after the one where the caret is currently located and move the caret to the beginning of this new line.

    For instance, you have typed some text:


    Press Shift Enter to start the next line immediately:


To duplicate a line or fragment
  1. Place the caret at the line to be duplicated, or select the desired fragment of text.
  2. Press Command D.
To remove a line
  • Press Command Y to delete the line at caret.
To move a line
  1. Place the caret at the line to be moved.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • On the main menu, choose Code | Move Line Up or Code | Move Line Down.
    • Press Alt Shift Up or Alt Shift Down.

    IntelliJ IDEA moves the selected line one line up or down, performing the syntax check. For example:


    After moving line at caret:


posted by 뚱2