[Tomcat] 버전별 서블릿 스펙

WAS/Tomcat 2012. 10. 20. 04:11

Apache Tomcat Versions

Apache Tomcat is an open source software implementation of the Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies. Different versions of Apache Tomcat are available for different versions of the Servlet and JSP specifications. The mapping between the specifications and the respective Apache Tomcat versions is:

Servlet/JSP Spec Apache Tomcat version Actual release revision Minimum Java Version
3.0/2.2 7.0.x 7.0.32 1.6
2.5/2.1 6.0.x 6.0.36 1.5
2.4/2.0 5.5.x 5.5.36 1.4
2.3/1.2 4.1.x (archived) 4.1.40 (archived) 1.3
2.2/1.1 3.3.x (archived) 3.3.2 (archived) 1.1

The releases are described in more detail below to help you determine which one is right for you. More details about each release can be found in the associated release notes.

Please note that although we offer downloads and documentation of older releases, such as Apache Tomcat 4.x, we strongly encourage users to use the latest stable version of Apache Tomcat whenever possible. We recognize that upgrading across major versions may not be a trivial task, and some support is still offered on the mailing list for users of old versions. However, because of the community-driven support approach, the older your version the less people would be interested or able to support you.


링크 : http://tomcat.apache.org/whichversion.html

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posted by 뚱2

Head First Servlets & JSP

Books 2012. 2. 16. 11:18

1. 제   목 : Head First Servlets & JSP 상상력을 자극하는 몰입의 학습법
2. 출판사 : 한빛미디어
3. 저   자 : 케이시 시에라, 버트 베이츠, 브라얀 바샴 저 / 김종호 역
4. 가   격 : 32,000원
5. 난이도 : 초중급 (★★★☆☆)
6. 판   매 : 판매중
7. 평   가 : ★★★★★

  Head First의 시리즈인 만큼 호불호는 확실하지만 역시 내용이 좋습니다.
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웹 어플리케이션이 돌아가는 구조에 대해서 상당히 체계적이고 자세하게 알려줍니다.
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posted by 뚱2