* 주석

여러줄 주석 (토글) : Ctrl + ?

한줄 주석    (토글) : Command + /

* Auto Import

Alt + Enter

posted by 뚱2

출처 : http://tanu.wordpress.com/2010/09/24/moving-from-eclipse-to-intellij-idea/

Moving from Eclipse to Intellij Idea

Initial Struggle:

I have been Eclipse user for almost 2+ years. Suddenly one day i stumbled upon intellij idea. Courtesy of my team mates.

Initially moving from Eclipse to Idea was overwhelming. Neither i had patience nor time to learn new IDE with its own set of shortcuts.
Still after lotta of good reviews about it, decided to give it a try. Well at first i failed at it. The reason i was still using eclipse as primary IDE, since Idea shortcuts were completely different than eclipse and they were quite strange that time.

Somehow decided to give it one more shot, and this time it did click with me. I struggled initally but survived. Believe me its worth the struggle. It surely is a most intelligent IDE, especially if you are working with Javascript. Eclipse has worst Javascript support and its pain. I know there are plugins for it, but they are useless.

Idea Ninja:

No one can use IDE efficiently without mastering the shortcuts. Idea has excellent reference for shortcuts. I suggest you look into the complete idea keymap from here

If you are eclipse user, here is the small idea keymap with corresponding eclipse shortcuts.

Code CompletionCtrl + SpaceCtrl + Space 

Ctrl + Shift + Space

Ctrl + Alt + Space

Reformat codeCtrl+Shift+FCtrl + Alt + L
Optimize importsCtrl + Shift+ OCtrl + Alt + O
Delete line at caretCtrl+DCtrl + Y
ReplaceCtrl + FCtrl + R
Find in pathCtrl+HCtrl + Shift + F
Replace in pathCtrl + Shift + R
Step overF6F8
Step intoF5F7
Step outF7Shift + F8
Resume programF8F9
View breakpointsDebug ViewCtrl + Shift + F8
Go to classCtrl + Shift + TCtrl + N
Go to fileCtrl + Shift + RCtrl + Shift + N
Go to lineCtrl+LCtrl + G
Recent files popupCtrl + ECtrl + E
Go to declarationCtrl + Click or F3Ctrl + B or Ctrl + Click
Go to implementation(s)Ctrl+TCtrl + Alt + B
Type hierarchyF4Ctrl + H
Show usagesCtrl + Shift+GCtrl + Alt + F7
Generate code… (Getters, Setters, Constructors, 

hashCode/equals, toString)

Alt + InsertAlt + Shift+S


1. Learn to use Ctrl+J
Ctrl+J brings up the Live Template options based on where your cursor is. If you’re in Javadoc then there will be some Javadoc intentions, if you have code highlighted then there will be some surround intentions.

2. Learn to use Ctrl+Alt+T
Highlighting code and pressing Ctrl+Alt+T will bring up the “Surround With” menu.

3. Increase Your Heap Size
IDEA critics (rightly, in my experience) complain that it is slower than Eclipse. Well, your first step should be to increase the heap size. Locate your idea.exe.vmoptions file and open it with a text editer (IDEA works fine). My file is in C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA 7.0.2\bin. Change the -Xmx line to allow a bigger heap. Mine is set at -Xmx512m.

posted by 뚱2

링크 : http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/webhelp/adding-deleting-and-moving-lines.html 

라인 복사 : Command + D

라인 삭제 : Command + Y

라인 위로 이동 : Alt + Shift + Up

라인 아래로 이동 : Alt + Shift + Down

To add a line
  • Press Shift Enter to add a new line after the one where the caret is currently located and move the caret to the beginning of this new line.

    For instance, you have typed some text:


    Press Shift Enter to start the next line immediately:


To duplicate a line or fragment
  1. Place the caret at the line to be duplicated, or select the desired fragment of text.
  2. Press Command D.
To remove a line
  • Press Command Y to delete the line at caret.
To move a line
  1. Place the caret at the line to be moved.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • On the main menu, choose Code | Move Line Up or Code | Move Line Down.
    • Press Alt Shift Up or Alt Shift Down.

    IntelliJ IDEA moves the selected line one line up or down, performing the syntax check. For example:


    After moving line at caret:


posted by 뚱2

링크 : http://warmz.tistory.com/793 

아무리 찾아도 없었는데 위에 링크를 보고 찾았습니다. 작성자님 감사합니다. 잘 사용하겠습니다.

1.Automator 실행. 서비스를 선택한다.

2. Automator 설정. 유틸리티 > 쉘 스크립트를 선택한다.

3. 쉘 스크립트 실행을 마우스로 끌어다 우측 윈도우에 놓는다. 그리고 아래처럼 입력한다.

 서비스가 받는 항목 : 입력 없음
 선택 항목 위치 : 모든 응용 프로그램
 쉘 : /bin/bash
 통과 입력 :  표준 입력(stdin)
 내용 : open /Volumes

4. 저장. 파일 > 저장 > 다음 서비스 저장

5. 서비스 단축키 설정. Automator에서 저장한 openFinder를 선택한 후 단축키를 할당한다.

6. 응용 프로그램 단축키 할당.

posted by 뚱2