* This global function can be used to extract a substring from a given source string.

BOOL AFXAPI AfxExtractSubString (
   CString& rString,
   LPCTSTR lpszFullString,
   int iSubString,
   TCHAR chSep = '\n'

* Sample Source
// The following example extracts a series of name, value pairs from a
// given source string:

// Input string consisting of a number of name, value pairs
LPCTSTR lpszSource = _T("\"Name\"=\"John Smith\"\n")
   _T("\"Company\"=\"Contoso, Ltd\"\n\"Salary\"=\"25,000\"");

CString strNameValue; // an individual name, value pair

int i = 0; // substring index to extract
while (AfxExtractSubString(strNameValue, lpszSource, i))
   // Prepare to move to the next substring

   CString strName, strValue; // individual name and value elements

   // Attempt to extract the name element from the pair
   if (!AfxExtractSubString(strName, strNameValue, 0, _T('=')))
      // Pass an error message to the debugger for display
      OutputDebugString(_T("Error extracting name\r\n"));

   // Attempt to extract the value element from the pair
   if (!AfxExtractSubString(strValue, strNameValue, 1, _T('=')))
      // Pass an error message to the debugger for display
      OutputDebugString(_T("Error extracting value element\r\n"));

   // Pass the name, value pair to the debugger for display
   CString strOutput = strName + _T(" equals ") + strValue + _T("\r\n");

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