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Visual Studio 2005 상에서 쓰이는 Macro 환경 변수


The name of the current project configuration, for example, "Debug|Any CPU".


Path to the output file directory, relative to the project directory. This resolves to the value for the Output Directory property. It includes the trailing backslash '\'.


The installation directory of Visual Studio 2005 (defined with drive and path); includes the trailing backslash '\'.


The name of the currently targeted platform. For example, "AnyCPU".


The directory of the project (defined with drive and path); includes the trailing backslash '\'.


The absolute path name of the project (defined with drive, path, base name, and file extension).


The base name of the project.


The file name of the project (defined with base name and file extension).


The file extension of the project. It includes the '.' before the file extension.


The directory of the solution (defined with drive and path); includes the trailing backslash '\'.


The absolute path name of the solution (defined with drive, path, base name, and file extension).


The base name of the solution.


The file name of the solution (defined with base name and file extension).


The file extension of the solution. It includes the '.' before the file extension.


The directory of the primary output file for the build (defined with drive and path). It includes the trailing backslash '\'.


The absolute path name of the primary output file for the build (defined with drive, path, base name, and file extension).


The base name of the primary output file for the build.


The file name of the primary output file for the build (defined as base name and file extension).


The file extension of the primary output file for the build. It includes the '.' before the file extension.

주절 주절~ 더군다나 영어!!
이럴땐 예시를 보는게 킹왕짱입니다. . -_-

  1. 보통 UNIX와 윈도우즈에서 말하는 Path는 "파일의 이름 및 확장자를 포함하는 경로"이고 Directory는 "파일의 경로만"을 얘기합니다.
    그럼 파일의 Path가 "c:windowscmd.exe"라면 그 파일의 Directory는 "c:windows\" 인거죠. :)
    또 다른 팁은 FileName = Name + Ext 가 있습니다..
    그러면 이제 외우기 좀 쉬워지죠?

posted by 뚱2